
NEO Alumni

Welcome back, phoenix! Whether you are a New Vistas High School alumnus or a former adult education student, we want to keep in touch.
You can help us track the amazing things our students go on to do by filling out the form on this page. If you’d like to share your story with other potential students, we need ambassadors and volunteers to help with events and media.
​Don’t forget that we’re always here for you. Come back for additional learning opportunities or to begin changing lives with us.
​Did you know that a large group of phoenixes is a called an odyssey? With more and more phoenixes from NEO each year, our odyssey continues to grow.

On a cell phone? Fill out the alumni update form here.

NEO Student Success Story

We want to tell your story! The success of our students is why NEO’s New Vistas High School and Adult Education was created.
Telling others about your success helps us reach potential students who might need a different learning environment.

NEO Student Success Story

We want to tell your story! The success of our students is why NEO’s New Vistas High School and Adult Education was created. Telling others about your success helps us reach potential students who might need a different learning environment.

I understand that upon submitting my success story and photos, it might be used by NEO on their website, social media, or in printed marketing pieces. I give them permission to share my story.
Which program did you complete?
Why did you choose to enroll at NEO? What were the circumstance in your life that pushed you to consider a change in your education?
How would you describe the environment and staff at NEO?
How did NEO help you achieve your educational goals?
Do you think your life would be different without NEO? If so, please tell us more.
What are you doing now? Tell us a little bit about your current workplace, your family, your successes! We'd love to know how it's going!
May we contact you with additional questions or a request for photos?

Weather Alert

New Vistas High School and NEO Adult Education will start at the normal time today.

New Vista High School will dismiss early at 1:00.

There will be no evening adult education classes or other services.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025, will be an e-learning day for New Vistas High School and NEO’s Adult Education program due to extreme temperatures.